Contact us • 0117 377 2444 •


Protecting children from harm

Report a safeguarding concern

If you have any safeguarding concerns, you can email: Alternatively, call us on 0117 377 2444 and ask to speak to the Designated Safeguarding Lead, or leave a message at Reception.

If a child is at immediate risk call the Police on 999.

You can also contact The First Response Team on 0117 903 6444 if you are concerned about the well-being of a child. When the offices are closed, call the Emergency Duty Team on 01454 615165.

Other numbers you can call:

  • NSPCC 24 hour helpline: 0808 800 5000 (free from a land line)
  • NSPCC Text helpline: 88858 (service is free and anonymous)
  • Police 101 (non-emergency calls)

Do you need help and support?

If you are a child and worried about something then it is good to talk to an adult in school who you trust. You might be worried about growing up, friendships, problems with your family or at school; whatever it is, there is always someone at school you can talk to. You could also talk to Childline, they offer advice and you don’t have to tell them who you are. The telephone call is free from a landline, just dial 0800 1111 or go to their website.

For parents/carers, firstly please come and talk to us. Sharing a concern or a difficulty you, your child or your family are having is really important. If anything is happening that may affect your child then it is essential that someone at school knows so we can support them effectively. We can often put you in touch with organisations that can help, alternatively you can ring First Response or any of the numbers above yourself.

Safeguarding Team

Jonathan Parr
Nicola O'Brien
School Business Manager
Sam Mumford
Deputy Headteacher

Safeguarding Governor

Ben McLewis
Community Governor

Safeguarding practice and procedures

Keeping children safe is everyone’s responsibility.

At Henleaze Junior School, safeguarding policy, practice and procedures are overseen by the Safeguarding Team and monitored by the Safeguarding Governor. The school reports to the local authority by completing an annual audit.

The Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) is Adam Barber, and the Deputy DSL is Jonathan Parr.

We recognise that staff and adults working with children, because of the contact with and knowledge of children in their care, are well placed to identify abuse and offer support to children in need.  The school is an agent of referral and not of investigation.

Keeping Children Safe in Education and Working Together to Safeguard Children  provide the statutory guidance that everyone working with children and young people must follow. 4 categories of abuse are identified:

  1. Physical abuse
  2. Emotional abuse
  3. Sexual abuse
  4. Neglect

Safeguarding is not just about protecting children from deliberate harm and abuse.  It includes other issues such as:

  • Internet safety
  • Health and safety
  • Meeting the needs of children with medical issues
  • Bullying
  • Physical intervention
  • Radicalisation
  • Racist abuse
  • Harassment and discrimination
  • Child sexual exploitation, forced marriage and FGM

Preventing Radicalisation - 'The Prevent Duty'

Preventing extremism and radicalisation is one of the safeguarding issues where the school has a legal duty. Our whole school approach is to embed countering extremism into our school values and rules and a broad curriculum. Our aim is to build a resilient community around respect, tolerance, inclusiveness and equality.

Please contact our Prevent Lead in the school, Mr Parr, if you have any concerns about your child being radicalised. 

For further useful information, guidance and online resources: please visit "Educate against Hate" website

Sources of support

Sometimes it can be difficult to talk to school staff or to the people closest to you. If this is the case, the following websites maybe useful to provide support to you and your family.

Keeping Bristol Safe Partnership is our local safeguarding board. They have an excellent page for parents with lots of helpful links.

Support for families during the coronavirus pandemic, including resources to help children and parents who are finding things tough. Barnado's See Hear Respond

Let’s Talk About It has advice for parents and carers to keep children safe from online radicalisation

Educate Against Hate has advice on safeguarding from radicalisation, building resilience to extremism, and promoting shared values




Domestic Violence

Child sexual abuse

Child exploitation - support for parents


Information about FGM - English

Information about FGM - Somali

Information about FGM - Arabic

The Rainbow Centre (Bereavement)

Citizens Advice

Helping and supporting offenders’ children and their families

Mental Health and Wellbeing

Mental Health and Young People

Children’s Behaviour and Mental Health