Pastoral care

Taking care of the wellbeing of our pupils and staff

Safeguarding Team

Jonathan Parr
Nicola O'Brien
School Business Manager
Sam Mumford
Deputy Headteacher

The safety and wellbeing of all of our pupils is of paramount importance. On this page, we describe just a few of the ways in which we aim to make people feel good about themselves, even when times are tough!

On this page:

On the Wellbeing Page:

On the Safeguarding Page:

Golden Rules

The principles of our approach to establishing good behaviour at Henleaze Junior School are based on positive reinforcement. We focus on the behaviours we expect to see. We use positive language and offer rewards to children who demonstrate those behaviours. As Jenny Mosely (the Golden Time guru) points out, the moment you say, "Don't run!" to a child, you reinforce a mental image of running, whereas if you say, "Walk please," you are drawing attention to what you would like to see.

Be gentle

Be kind and helpful

Work hard

Look after property

Listen to people

Be honest

Golden Time is a reward at the end of every week in recognition of the excellent behaviour children have displayed. It is our expectation that all children in all classes will have tried really hard to follow the Golden Rules, and therefore they will have earned the right to some relaxation for half an hour on Friday.

Golden Time activities are chosen by the children from a list approved by the class teacher.

If children do not follow the Golden Rules, and do not respond to a warning, a member of staff may deduct 5 minutes from their Golden Time, but on the whole, we find that almost all children are motivated to be polite, kind and respectful at all times.


Team Points

These can be given by any member of staff for good work or for modelling school values or upholding Golden Rules.

Team points work on two levels: as a personal reward and as a collective achievement.

Bronze 150 points

Silver 300 points

Gold 500 points

Sapphire 750 points

Platinum 1000 points

Children keep track of their own team points, which build up as they go through the school. Every Friday in Celebration Assembly, certificates are presented to those who have reached their next target. platinum certificates are very rare, but most children can expect to earn a Gold certificate over four years at the school.

Each week, classes add up their team points and the Team Point monitors announce which team has earned the most that week. The Team Captains collect the Team point Trophy, which goes on display in the foyer.

Find out more about Teams in the Pupil Zone

Table Points

These are usually given by teachers to groups of children who work well together, tidy up efficiently, model good behaviour. Sometimes, the table of the week may be given special privileges, such as the right to be dismissed first at lunchtime.


These may be given by any member of staff in recognition of a particularly good piece of work or particularly noteworthy good behaviour. Sometimes children like the sticker to be on the piece of work, sometimes on their shirt or jumper.

Class Treats

All class teacher like to acknowledge excellent effort by the whole class. They do this in a variety of ways - for example, a Marble Jar - which over time will earn the class a treat: free time, additional play, or something chosen by the children as reward for achieving class targets. Children are invited to make suggestions about the nature of the treat, although of course the teacher will always make sure that the choice is appropriate and safe. Children understand that treats must be inclusive; they are an opportunity for the whole class to celebrate their good work together.

Buddy tickets

These are handed out by the Buddies as a reward for sensible behaviour coming into school at end of playtimes. on Fridays, in Celebration Assembly, a ticket is drawn from the Buddy Box, and one lucky person gets to look after Lionel the Lepoard for the next week.

Roll of Honour

Two or three children are nominated by class teachers at end of each term for consistently excellent behaviour. Children whose names appear on the Roll of Honour are deemed to be excellent ambassadors for the school, good role models for other children and upholders of the school values. The Roll of Honour is read out in assembly, each child is given a certificate, and their names are preserved in the book which is on display in the foyer.


If children are feeling poorly, or if they are hurt, they may visit the Medical Room, near the office. Our reception staff are fully trained first-aiders, and all staff have routine first-aid training. Usually, a kind word and a reassuring smile is enough to make them feel better, but if we think it for the best, we will contact parents and ask them to collect early.

If children have diagnosed medical conditions, they may need to keep medication in school. Asthma pumps are the most common. We keep these in the Medical Room and make sure that they are available whenever needed, for example on trips or during sports activities. For more specific medication, such as Epipens, staff receive training from the NHS. We make sure that all staff, including the kitchen staff, are aware of children with allergies, and are familiar with individual children's care plans.

From time to time, children may need to take prescribed medicine in school. if this is the case, parents must complete an Administration of Medicines Form. The medicine can then be given by one of our trained members of staff.

Pupil wellbeing

If children are anxious or upset, they are not able to concentrate on their learning. Our staff have all received training on anxiety and attachment issues, and our PSHE curriculum includes lessons and strategies to teach children how to reduce stress, overcome fears and deal with anxiety.

We know that children need to feel that they are listened to. Teachers use strategies such as Worry Boxes to enable children to raise questions or concerns, and techniques such as Circle Time to provide a safe an non-threatening way for children to voice their worries and suggest solutions.

For more information about the ways in which we equip children to deal with the challenges of growing up, visit our Life Skills page in the Curriculum section of My School.

Adult wellbeing

At HJS, we know how important it is to look after our staff as our adults are the most important resource in helping to meet the emotional needs of our children. After all, you may say, “Who cares for the carers?”

To this end, we have an active Wellbeing Team with representatives from the various staff bodies from across the school. The team meets every term to address any specific issues that have been raised and, just as importantly, to plan our annual programme of staff wellbeing events.

These have included a Bollywood dance lesson, a boardgames afternoon, rowing down in Bristol docks and a ‘fun and games afternoon’ for the whole school.

Our main message is that staff wellbeing is everyone’s responsibility and we all have a part to play in helping each other feel happy and successful at work. Indeed, this is a message that is true for the wellbeing of the whole HJS community, both within and around the school.