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Children at Henleaze Junior School achieve great things

Achievement, for us, is not just about test results; it is about happiness, self-confidence, independence and initiative.

We celebrate children's achievements in sports and in the arts. We are proud of the achievements of our staff, who are dedicated to their own professional and personal development.


The school was last inspected by OFSTED on 2nd and 3rd July 2024.

The overall judgement was Requires Improvement. The school was rated Good for Behaviour and Attitudes and for Personal Development.

You will find the latest OFSTED report on the OFSTED website.

Letter to parents to accompany Ofsted Report

Key Stage 2 Results

Henleaze Junior School pupils achieve excellent results in the Key Stage 2 SATS. Most importantly, most of them meet the targets we set for them as individuals in each year group. Value Added indicators show the amount of progress children make from end of Key Stage 1 to end of Key Stage 2. Our "Value Added" varies from year to year depending on the number of children on the Special Education Needs register and the percentage of the intake already achieving a high standard, which tends to be high.

We assess pupils' progress in Reading, Writing and Maths using our own assessment framework. We refer to children as meeting or exceeding our expectations at any point in time. Some children may be working below the expectations for their year group, in which case we will measure their progress against a more appropriate set of targets . You can find out more about the HJS Assessment Framework on our Assessment and Reporting page.

At the end of Year 6, children are tested in 3 subjects: Reading, Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling and Mathematics.

In each subject, they are graded either AS (meeting the required standard) or NS (not meeting the required standard. To meet the standard, they have to score at least 100 in the test. Although there is not a different grade, children achieving a score of 110 or more are deemed to be higher achievers.

A progress measure is calculated using a formula to compare Key Stage 1 outcomes with Key Stage 2 results. Progress of 0.0 represents average progress over the course of Key Stage 2. A positive progress measure represents a better than average rate of progress and a negative number represents slower than average progress.

Key Stage 2 SATS Results 2023
AS (100+)
High Score (110+)
Average Score
Progress measure
Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling
Writing (Teacher Assessment)
Reading, Writing and Maths

The Department for Education publishes national Performance Tables on their website.