HENSA (Henleaze Junior School Parents' Association) raise money for the benefit of the the children at the school and they organise social events to bring the school community together.
HENSA is a registered charity and is run by a Committee with a number of official posts, but it is the support of all the teachers, parents and other helpers that enables HENSA to be such a success.
All parents and teachers are considered members of HENSA, and are very welcome to attend meetings throughout the year.
HENSA has two main purposes:
Social Events
HENSA events bring the parent community together, helping everyone to feel part of their children's school. We've had Barn Dances, Eighties Night, Quiz Nights, Barbecues, and theme nights such as Rum and Reggae Night, Oom Pah Night and Casino Royale Night. Events like Camp Hestival in the summer term bring families together for a weekend of festival fun on the playing field.
HENSA raise over £10,000 a year for the school. The biggest fundraisers are the Christmas Bazaar, the May Fair (organised jointly with FHIS, the Henleaze Infant School Parents' Association) and Camp Hestival.
The HENSA committee welcome suggestions for new fundraising activities. One of the easiest ways to donate to the school is through Easy Fundraising. Nominate Henleaze Junior School as your chosen charity, and we get a donation everytime you do your online shopping.
Midsummer barbecue and campout
A joint venture run by the campus schools' parents
Christmas comes early to HJS
Spending the money
Children, staff and parents all have a say in how HENSA's money is spent.
In recent years, HENSA have provided books for the Library, iPads for the classrooms, equipment for the playground, the Canopy and the Treehouse. They also fund an annual treat for the children - we've had Steve Backshall, the Samba Man, and the Tropical Animals Man, Steve Rowlands.
HENSA support school events such as Music Evenings and the Year 6 production, by providing refreshments for audiences and children. They also provide prizes for the Great Henleaze Egg Race.
Co-Chairs : Victoria, Aliesje and Tammy
A central point of contact for the school; organises Committee meetings and co-ordinates the planning of events, delegates wherever possible! Speaks at New Parents Evening; writes newsletters and end of year report for AGM.
Treasurer : Lorna
Deals with the money going into and out of the HENSA bank account, organises floats and bar licenses for events, summarises current position at Committee meetings and arranges for an independent review of the accounts each year.
Events Teams
To share the load of organising all the year's events, a co-ordinating team will be set up for each event who will liaise with committee members.
Performs an independent audit of the annual accounts.
Contact HENSA
Email the HENSA team hensa@henleazejuniorschool.co.uk