Year 6 Term 5 Week 2

Hello Everyone, 
We hope you are all well and are looking after each other. 

Before anything else, we wanted to remind you about your leavers’ hoodies. We always hope that everyone in the year will get one, but it looks like lots of you haven't ordered one yet. You can order it online - you can pick your size and have a choice of 4 colours! The deadline is May 1st and it will be delivered to your house so no need to worry about coming in to collect it. Your parents have had the link in an email but here it is again: 

How are you getting on with the new learning routine? Have you been able to get on with all the activities independently? If you need help, don’t forget that you can ask us using your class email. ( e.g. If you haven’t received a reply by the end of the day, check with your teacher by emailing again – a few seem to have gone missing! 
We’ve already begun to receive some excellent ‘Newsround’ reports and are looking forward to seeing lots more of your home learning. You can check out some of the work sent in here: 


We hope you’re enjoying your reading. It’s a great time to reread old favorites isn’t it? And some of those ’comfy’ reads too but don’t forget to try to challenge yourself too. 
We’ve heard that many of you are learning new skills, such as baking, cleaning, building and painting. And as you have seen in previous blogs, your year 6 teachers are learning too. We’ve all been expanding our online tech knowledge, and Miss Slade is particularly good at this, Mr Heath has been learning how to turn a van into a home and I’ve been gaining skills in gardening.  As you can see, from the photo below, I have managed to get some seeds to grow but as you can also see, I haven’t done a very good job of spreading them out. I’m a Yeti though and I’m sure I’ll be better at it next time.