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Sports Day 2021

The whole school, active, in the sunshine

We had a wonderful morning on Friday 2nd July, all together out on the school field for Sports Day. We missed out last year, because the children were not in school during the first lockdown, so this was the first HJS Sports Day for half of the school - Years 3 and 4.

Shine organised the event for us this year, bringing in a dozen sports coaches to run the activities. Each class did a circuit of 5 different activities: Standing long jump, bean bag throw, bench jumps, javelin and sprint relay. The sun shone throughout the morning, so we were glad of our water bottles and our sunhats! Within each class, the children competed in their Teams, Eagles, Kestrels, Ravens and Hawks. The Team Captains came in to school early to help Lottie set up everything on the field. We are very proud of all of the older children, who set a fine example for the younger ones. There was a great supportive and inclusive spirit to the morning.

Unfortunately, due to covid restrictions, we were not able to invite families to watch. However, we took lots of photographs. There's a big selection in the Photo Album on the website, and more in the class channels in Teams.