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Extra curricular clubs and activities

Clubs for the year 2023-2024


Open to anyone who enjoys singing. For Terms 1-4, we meet in the Hall on Monday, from 3:25pm to 4:30pm. The Choir performs at Christmas and Easter, and has a lot of fun singing a wide range of songs.


Open to anyone who has been learning to play an instrument for at least 6 months. You don't have to have reached a particular standard, but you need to be able to play a few notes, and you need to have started to learn how to read music. We can give lots of help, and we can write parts especially for you to include the notes you know how to play. The very best thing about playing a musical instrument is playing with other people. When you put your part together with everybody else's, suddenly you have a magnificnet sound! You can apply to join the orchestra at the start of term, and we will invite and encourage all of the children who learn instruments in school to join when we think they are ready.

The Orchestra rehearses in the Hall on Tuesdays, from 3:25 to 4:30pm up until Easter.

Code Club

Children who want to create their own computer games will be able to practice the skills that they learn in Espresso Coding and apply them to game design in Scratch. The club is led by one of our parents who works in the computing industry and supported by one of our staff team. It is a very popular club, and we can only accommodate 15 children at a time, so we usually run a group until Christmas and then a new group in the new year.

Chess Club

This is another very popular club, with a maximum capacity of 30. We cater for all ability levels, from beginners to grand masters!

Sports and more

Shine run our sports activities for us as well as various creative clubs and chill out time. Each term they publish the range of clubs on offer on their website. Parents can book for single sessions or for several in advance.

For more details, visit our Before and After School page.

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Clubs may include