Year 6 Update

Term 2 Week 7

In this final week of term, we are very much focussed on preparing our poem and song for the Christmas celebration on Friday.

In maths, we have been continuing with our topic of fractions, working on division and word problems.

Wednesday will be our big DT / sewing day, so please make sure your child has all the materials they need to complete their design in school before then.

In a change to our normal order, Thursday will be non-uniform day, as all the children will need to be in uniform for the Christmas celebration on Friday.

For homework over Christmas, the children will be given a reading assessment on the plague. They should attempt this independently at first (taking an hour, or more if they usually have extra time), before going through the answers with a adult to support them. The answers are online - here is the link. Reading Test mark Scheme

Last year, both children and parents found this very useful to get a better idea of the standard and style of answers that are expected in the SATs. It will be a valuable opportunity to discuss strategies for tackling questions and gauge how your child is faring (and if they need to be doing some more reading at home).

FYI the ‘meeting expectations’ score for this paper would be around 24 and over. 

Please could children bring their answer and reading booklets back to school in the first week after the holidays. 

Thanks for all your support this term, and we hope you enjoy a very merry Christmas!

See you in the new year,

The year 6 team 

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