Year 6 Home Working Week 1

Hello all!

What an interesting time we're all having! We miss you all very much but know that you are safe at home: enjoying spending time with your families, working a bit, relaxing a lot and not missing us at all! 

Mr Heath is squeezing himself into an infant chair, Mrs Spence and Mrs Sormani are busily working from home and Miss Slade has even managed to enjoy some time in the garden - though Otto seems to be taking "loving nature" a little too literally!

If you're in search of more ideas for useful/fun things to do at home you could try one of these...


Circus skills lessons: 

Taskmaster challenges: (make sure you ask an adult before uploading any videos and remember the rules for staying safe online)

Learn some card tricks: 


If your adults have Twitter:

The artist Will Sliney is setting daily art challenges @WillSliney

The author Sarah Webb is running writing workshops @SarahWebb


Get positive:

Sort through your clothes, toys and books. What can you put aside to be donated when this is all over? Marie Kondo would tell us if an object doesn’t bring you joy - give it away!

Design, write and send a postcard. Be as imaginative as you can, can you make a holiday in your living room sound like the most exciting trip ever!? Send it to the Infants School and we'll blog our favourites.


Have a great week, now go wash your hands!

Year 6 Teachers