Year 5 Week 5

Banksy, chimpanzees and problem solving.

As we enter another week of home learning, the sun is shining and we are still really impressed with how hard you are all working. We understand how difficult it is to keep motivated in these times but we are continually blown away but the quality and quantity of everything you are sharing with us. From mavelous maths and amazing English to glorious gardening and beautiful baking, we love to see it all. 

Week 5 

This week are looking back at division in Maths and report writing in English. 

As I menttioned in last week's blog, we have heard that some of you have finished the Fluent in 5 and Rapid Reasoning sheets for maths. As they were both great starter activities, we have found some new Maths activities to take their place. (They are different levels 1,2 and 3 star with 3 star being the hardest, you may have to scroll down to reach the harder questions)

Sheet 1

Sheet 2

Sheet 3

Sheet 4

Sheet 5

Sheet 6

Here are some some new English SPAG starter actvities to use. (We recommend that you use one sheet each week)

Sheet 1

Sheet 2

Sheet 3

Sheet 4

Sheet 5

Sheet 6 

These sheets can also be found under Year 5 resources on the HJS website.

For your other subjects we have a lesson on parables in R.E, find out about Jane Goodall in Science and we can't wait to see your Banksy inspired Artwork.

Here is some of your Mackintosh inspired artwork.

Dylan and a Peter in Class 5.

Livvie, Archie and Edward in Class 4